About May ♥

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My live is ABC ❤ -Ace -Blogger -Coser



When you were still very young...

They spent a long time in teaching you how to use a scoop and chopsticks...

teach you how to dress your clothes, tie your shoelaces, fasten the buttons...

Teach you to wipe your nose and your backside...

teach you how to wash your face, comb your hair...

and how to become an upright person...

Do you remember that you always ask them where you came from?

Do you still remember that the family of you practice for a long time to learn first nursery rhyme?


So when they become old...

When they forget something or they can't reply with the right word...

 When they repeat the same old story of some of the time...

Please don't blame them...

When they start to forget fastening the buttons, tying the shoelaces...

When they start to dirty their clothes during the dinner time...

When they do up their hair but their hands start to keep on quivering...

Please don't hurry them...because you are growing up while they are becoming old...

As long as you are there with them...

They will feel very happy ...

If they can't keep their legs and walk any longer one day...

Please hold their hands tightly and walk slowly with them...

just like...

they held your hands in those days...

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